A friend, who has taught me,
how beautiful the life is.
A friend, who shares my feeling,
my pain &
helps me to come out of it.
A friend, who always tells me,
give what ever your lovedones
expect from you.
A friend, who is so generous,
A friend, who is loyal in
his words.
A friend, who is so caring
and loving
A friend, with whom i find my self
safe and secure
A friend, who always tries to change
my life for- betterment.
A friend, who hold s my hand,
when the clouds of loneliness,
surrounds me.
Afriend, who has taught me,
to learn from my mistakes.
A friend, who has shownme,
right path of life.
A friend, whois always there beside me,
where there is a dream to share-
a sweet surprise or a special joy.
Afriend, who takes me for long drive.
A friend, who has given,
half of his world.
A friend, who takes care of me
Afriend, every women or girl,
A friend, whom I LOVE very much.
This is what my friend Is--.